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MISD Wellness Program


 Wellness Program 

MISD Student Wellness Program will always do what is best for all students.  The Program will provide a full array of supports and services that promote positive school climate, social-emotional learning, mental health and wellbeing.  This is a preventive and educational program that will help build skills related to developing and maintaining positive relationships within the school setting.  We believe that with early intervention and our Student Wellness Program supports in place that we can ensure each student has the skills, supports, and mindset to be successful in school and beyond.


This Program will support students who display early warning signs and risk for mental health challenges and providing specialized services to treat or reduce symptoms.  Research suggests, schools that identify mental health challenges early in the student’s life and offer the supports needed, students will gain resilience skills that will improve their chances and opportunities for academic and social success.

MISD Student Wellness Program will help to increase school day attendance, academic performance, increase test scores, and decrease discipline referrals and placements. 




 Mrs. Stephanie Schuette, MS, LPC
Wellness Director/Therapist 
Pre-K thru 5th grade


361-547-3378 ext:1202



Summer Norman Wellness
Mrs. Summer Norman, M.Ed.


 Wellness Therapist/ School Counselor 
6th grade thru 12th grade
361-547-2381 ext:4080 





Therapy animals enhance human health and well-being.

Therapy animals can positively impact our physical, social and emotional lives.  Whether helping to encourage struggling readers, motivating someone to participate in groups, or providing comfort to someone who is upset, therapy animals are increasingly recognized for their value.


Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy     

  • Builds positive self-esteem
  • Reduces stress-inducing hormones and raises happiness hormones within the body           
  • Provides non-judgmental, selfless love and attention
  • Can enhance cognitive development        
  • Can promote more prosocial behaviors in children        
  • Helps decrease feelings of loneliness and isolation         
  • Increases social and verbal interactions in children
  • Aides in decreasing anger, anxiety, and depression


  • Bullying Prevention
    • Bullying Submission
      The Mathis Independent School District prohibits bullying on school property, at school-sponsored or school-related activities, or in any vehicle operated by the district. Bullying is not tolerated. Bullying may include verbal or written expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct. Bullying of a student may also include hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, name calling, rumor spreading, and ostracism. Any student or parent who suspects bullying is encouraged to immediately report the incident to a teacher, counselor, principal, or other district employee. Any district employee who receives notice that a student has or may have experienced bullying shall immediately notify the campus principal or designee. Retaliation against anyone involved in the reporting process is a violation of district policy and is prohibited.
  • Grief Teams
    • Grief and Loss Support
      Experiencing, witnessing, or even hearing of a traumatic incident such as this may affect a child or adult in a variety of ways; therefore, it is very important that students be given ample opportunities to ask questions and to talk about their reactions. For some students, the death of someone they know may remind them of other losses in their lives. For others, this may be their first encounter with such a traumatic event.
  • Local Law Enforcement
    • Mathis Police Department
      The Mission of the Mathis Police Department is the enhance public safety through proactive community oriented policing. We envision a city where people can enjoy a safe and secure environment, free from harm and where citizens and police share in maintaining a quality standard of living. Mathis Police Department Motto Do the right thing. Integrity. Do the best you can do. Honesty. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
  • Procedures for Referrals
    • Procedures for Referrals
      Procedures for referrals: 1. Referral – By principal and/or counselor via email to Wellness Counselor. If parent or teacher ask for a referral, principal and/or counselor will email Wellness Counselor with student info and concerns. Wellness Counselor will contact family. 2. Referrals must go through your principal and be in email for documentation. 3. Attached is a consent form you can use for documentation and write student concerns on back. Make a copy for your files and sent to Wellness Counselor.
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Wellness Consent Form