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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2013-2023

Mathis Independent School District went through a strategic process this year to determine where the district will be in the short term (3 to 5 years) and ultimately the long term (5 - 10 years). The Superintendent began meet with district key leaders throughout the fall in preparation for the community stakeholder meeting that took place on December 19, 2012. 

Attendees were asked to sign up into four action teams. The four action teams of stakeholders including parents, community members, teachers, administrators, community leaders and others met several times between January and February 2013 to give their input and insight. Three evenings of sharing of data affecting our schools along with frank discussions among stakeholders resulted in the development of this new strategic plan. 

A draft of the district strategic plan was presented to the Board of Trustees on April 9, 2013. The new plan was approved by the board on May 27, 2013. Our new vision, mission, values and goals guide our actions and be the driving force behind the work of Mathis ISD.

Mathis ISD engages learners to become critical thinkers, leaders and contributors in a diverse and competitive world.

Mathis ISD strives to be a premier rural school district recognized nationally as a leader among learning organizations.

Learners; Respect; Excellence; Equity; Integrity; Health & Safety

Goal 1: Mathis ISD will meet or exceed state and federal accountability standards.
Goal 2: Achievement gaps among all students groups will be eliminated.
Goal 3: All students will graduate ready for college, career and life in a globally competitive economy.
Goal 4: The district ensures a safe, equitable, drug free and positive learning environment.